I have been frantically knitting and working the past few weeks, realizing that November is winding down (I know that when my birthday gets close I am in serious trouble if I'm still knitting Christmas gifts) Going out to dinner tonight and SF this weekend for my birthday (wonder if I can knit and eat at the same time?), home for a cancelled group meeting (argh), then back north to see my family for Thanksgiving (and my actual birthday instead of this week-long celebration).
In knitting news:

Backyard leaves arrived from Carolyn (please ignore my shiny face and messy room) I really love this scarf, the detail, the color. She did a wonderful job on it and I've gotten alot of compliments on it. Thanks Carolyn!
Started making some Fuzzy feet - no pics yet.

Finished my 'machine/handknit hybrid' sweater - here it is blocking. I'm not too impressed with it - in spite of all my calculations, it still came out a little short in the body (though the arms are fine) Because of the math headache in changing gauge, I decided to use customized graph paper and tracing to rewrite the sleeve pattern. I think this approach worked much better than all the math would have.
Lastly - I've read about spinning so much lately it was inevitible. I was browing the sale room at my LYS, waiting for my car to be ready, when I found it. A drop spindle for 50% off. Sigh. This only leads to more stash accumulation. :)