Monday, December 19, 2005

Still knitting

Is it really the 19th? Will I finish? Here's the list:

Dec 25th due date:
Pair of socks
Slippers to felt
Whip (before you start thinking too hard - it was promised as a joke for my friend and her band)
Muppet hands (aka fingerless gloves out of some seriously furry yarn)

Dec 27th due date:

Dec 30th due date:
Yoga bag

How is it that this list looks so managable? Why am I stressed? Perhaps all the other UFO's in the basket:
Branching out, Claptois, lace leaf socks, blanket, hourglass sweater, garter stitch sweater to re-neck, everything bag, ribbed scarf, rebecca lace sweater.....

Or maybe all the planned UFO's:
another FBS, 3 other lace shawls, 2 entrelac shawls, monster slippers, tea cozy, pocket pals, another red riding hood scarf, brioche hat, lace and tuck ensemble, rebecca skirt....

I have begun knitting on the walk to work again. If I go out to bars, I will bring the knitting with me. More so in hopes of disuading boys I wouldn't like anyways than in the belief I'll really get more knitting done. Knitting interferes with drinking! I have also finally figured out the basics of spinning (after much glaring at the instructions) Not that I'm good, but I made a foot of yarn :) And bought more roving. Sorry for the lack of pictures - I left my camera at home again.

I'm overwhelming glad to be done with finals forever. And one step closer to being done with school. It's such a relief to have direction and solid goals again instead of the ambiguity that is grad school. I will leave here. My knitting and I are off like a prom dress....

Perhaps not the best line to end on :)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Big times

Still frantically knitting - got my "learn how to spin" kit the other day - and still haven't learned how to spin (I'm a visual person) Haven't made it to SnB the past few weeks because I've been working (either with the family or at real work). I'm still in denial about Christmas. Sure, I'll get all my gifts done...


Things are good since I decided to finish up school (see my other blog of superfluous rambling about it). I'm hoping it'll combat all my problems at once - finishing up school means doing more work which means less time to sit at home and feel frustrated that my boyfriend is far busier than I am (and doesn't think we need to see eachother as often as I seem to think we do. Analytically, I can pin this as a response to my last relationship and its end in Feb)

So. Knitting will be back soon. Promise.