I've moved over to Wordpress - come find me there!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008

I don't really get into LOLcats, but this one cracks me up.
Posted by K8 at 3/20/2008 06:46:00 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wanted: Thief
Item stolen: Bag of potting soil
Item last seen: in my car port, Tues morning
Reward: Um, not thinking you're crazy for stealing a bag of potting soil.
Seriously? Who steals potting soil? Am I to believe there's a rabid gardener in my apartment complex who had a gardening emergency? "Quick, we've got to get these pansies into soil stat! See if you can find any open bags of year old potting soil to procure for free! Preferably with old bit of dried up dead plants and broken pottery.....now go!"
Thief, if you're that desperate for dried out dirt, it's all yours.....
Posted by K8 at 3/19/2008 10:53:00 AM 6 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Etsy sale!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! In honor of St. Paddy's, and spring, everything in the store is 30% off - just wait for a revised invoice before paying.
A quiet weekend meant I made some good progress on my Lady Eleanor - I'm on ball #7 of 10. I decided to take a break from knitting last night and weave in some of the ends - I know it would drive me crazy at the end otherwise! Progress on my dad's socks is still slow going. I tend to be in a hurry about wrapping up socks (esp. when they've been lingering as long as this pair) and now I'm a little worried I'm making it too short - anyone have a good rule of thumb for how tall they make socks for their guys? I'm going by the measurements in one of my sock books, but it still seems to short.
All in all, good progress on the March goals!
Posted by K8 at 3/17/2008 09:17:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sweater finished!!
It's finished! The fit is great, and probably the first time I've done so much to customize a sweater to my seemingly long torso. If I were to do this over, I'd make the sleeves a little smaller, but I'm still pleased with it.
And a closeup of the buttons - after an excruciating search at JoAnns, I picked these. Unfortunately, they didn't have enough, so I bought a toggle button for the top. I figure it's ok to have one button different :) Though I have no idea what I'll do if I lose one of the fish.....
Still sick, but not as bad as yesterday. Hopefully back to work tomorrow!
Posted by K8 at 3/11/2008 06:19:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: FOs
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sick day
I haven't had to take a sick day in awhile, but when the sore throat started on Saturday I suspected I might (damn illness, taking up my weekend!) I'd thought I might be ok for work, but when my stomach and I had a disagreement this morning I thought maybe I should just stay home....
...and here I am. A season of Grey's Anatomy and the first Harry Potter movie down and really hoping this passes soon. In good news, two hats were finished last week (one for me, one for M) and I got buttons for my sweater (which I hope to finish soon....maybe even tonight!)
Time to figure out what kind of dinner will stay put! Happy Monday all!
Posted by K8 at 3/10/2008 06:24:00 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Can I just say how much I love Picnik? When I first thought about advertising for my etsy shop on Ravelry, I had to figure out how to add text to pictures - and at the time the photo editing software I was using (came with the camera) didn't have that option. So I used Powerpoint. I know - terrible idea. Especially since I couldn't resize my images small enough for Ravelry's specifications.
Then I remembered Picnik - I wish I had used this from the start (I know, if wishes were horses I would need a larger apartment). So in the start I just used it to resize my images, but last night I realized it may be better to use it to create my ads instead....

I like these so much better.
The yarn diet is going well and I'm actually finding that I'm not experiencing as much withdrawal as I'd thought. Sure, I still check out the STR or Wollmeise listings on Ravelry, but I'm less interesting in acquring yarn now. Of course, this has something to do with how insane it's become to buy yarn from indie dyers (no fault of the dyers). These yarns have become so coveted (and for good reason) that people stalk their stores and sometimes buy up whatever they can, whether they like the color or not. This bothers me, because it's not being bought to be used. It's being bought to be sold or traded or collected. Not that everyone does that, but I've seen a couple instances on the boards where people talk about just buying up whatever they can during shop updates....
Anyways. February didn't really result in any finished projects, but I have high hopes for March. I've already finished two hats (pictures coming later), but also on the goals for March are:
- Finish Buttony Sweater. It's soooo close.
- Finish my dad's socks.
- Continue Lady E
- Continue Clapotis
- Pick up spinning wheel
ETA: I added a NotifyList mailing list to the sidebar for my etsy shop - so if you want to receive updates when I add to my shop, sign up! Though I'll probably continue to post here too :)
Posted by K8 at 3/07/2008 07:24:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Things I want and things that make me laugh
Want:Chef'N Garlic Zoom Chopper, found via AT Kitchen
Chef'n Palm Peeler, found via AT Kitchen (of course).
Jimmy's revenge on Sarah. It's crude, but star-studded. Found via CairoKate
Wow. Found via Le Blagueur a Paris.Found via Serious Eats. And sort of how I usually feel midweek....
Posted by K8 at 3/05/2008 09:43:00 AM 4 comments