Friday, February 16, 2007

So Much To Say

And so much to do. Work has been very busy this week, and I'm thrilled. I don't like being bored, and I get tired of surfing the internet and reading blogs. I'm strangely happiest when I'm a little overextended. Because I'm crazy. Deal. I finally broke down and ordered the Canon Digital Rebel XTi 10.1 megapixel camera that will change my life as I know it. I have since been reading reviews (here, here, and here) on lenses and shopping for a camera bag. It is due to arrive at work today, and I've been checking the mailstop frequently. And getting alot of work done...

I feel obliged to include a public service announcement: AT&T's DSL service is awful. If you have any other option for internet besides them, don't go with AT&T. I have them now. Their actual internet service is mediocre - I have to reload my homepage a few times when I sign on for the first time, long loading times, etc. It's not terrible, but I've seen better. No, my real problem with AT&T is their contract. When you order DSL, you sign a 1 year contract. I asked what would happen if I moved and was told I could take my modem and service with me. When I called this week to transfer services, I was informed they don't provide service in my new area and that should I opt to terminate my services at my current residence, I would be charged a $99 early termination fee. Why? Because moving out of the AT&T network is considered choosing another provider and thus constitutes early termination. So, because AT&T doesn't provide service in the Thousand Oaks area, I have to pay them $99. I conclude, AT&T sucks.

I'm glad it's Friday. Wednesday was fun (a group of us girls went to a burlesque show to see a friend perform), but a late night which means I'm tired (as usual). I'm looking forward to getting off work early today (I have a lunch meeting), going home, and relaxing. There are a couple of dinners to go to this weekend, an apartment to start cleaning out, and alot of knitting to do. Wicker, Hourglass, socks....It'll be nice :) Happy Friday all!


TB said...

i clicked on the link and yowza! sexy camera! i really need a new camera, but will have to get out of grad school before i can afford one that nice... :)