Friday, April 06, 2007

And the winner is....

Kami - who guessed 728. Only 5 away from the actual number of 723. Can I say how eerie that is? Have you been watching all the movies I've been watching? That's just crazy.

Honorable mentions:

Most creative guess - textual bulldog, who included a fraction. I have a thing about finishing movies I start and not including movies I didn't finish on my list, but there are certainly more and more movies I don't finish.

Guess highlighting my ideal life of knitting and watching movies: elspeth, who guess 889. I'm so close...

Guess generously downplaying the number of movies I've seen: gradschool knitter, with only 250. I feel like I'm approaching that number in a year at the rate I'm going :)

So, winners and honorable mentions, send me your snail mail addresses and something will be arriving shortly :)


TB said...

I SWEAR I ALMOST GUESSED 733.33. I wrote that but then thought, well, that's a lot of movies and so changed the 7 to a 4. Darn me and my underestimating! Thanks for the honi mention, though ;)

gradschoolknitter said...

I got my package yesterday! Thanks so much, I love it!